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Thursday, December 8, 2016

In the clear!!

We went for our 12 week ultrasound yesterday and all went really well. I was nervous going in, despite gagging that morning:) I think I will always remember that first 12 week ultrasound...thinking everything was great....and then it wasn't.  It's crazy the mind games we play with ourselves...even when unintentional.

Anyway, I drank my water...and had a 'comfortably full bladder' ...whatever that means!:)  First thing  Shelly (ultrasound tech) found was the heart beat! Phew!  Then I just watched as she measured cool to see the brain , arms, legs, little feet.  I had to move around a bit toward the end to get it to flip so we could get a profile shot. I think it looks different than Callen.....who knows.  We aren't finding out...and apparently now is too early to accurately find out anyway.

So...we are quite excited and ready to relax a little bit.  Nothing is ever a guarantee but we are past the first bit.  Dennis was pretty excited and got right on making our announcement picture.  He's been planning this for awhile....  Are we bad parents for making our first born cry for our amusement? :) It was only for a few minutes...honest!!

Monday, December 5, 2016

It's all worth it

I recently was talking with some friends who are having their own fertility journey....slightly different than ours but similar.  They are having some frustration with the process, the information from health care providers and just the emotional and physical parts of the process.  If you have followed my blog since the beginning you will know that we have had a lot of ups and downs, times when I wanted to give up and throw in the towel, times when I thought we would never have a family of our own, never be happy....  Those times are normal and expected.  Physically I put my body through crazy highs and lows hormonally and will probably never be the same again.  :)

BUT....would I do it over again?  If it was my only way to experience the love and joy Callen brings to our a heart beat. It was and is worth it.  Do I wish it had been easier and just work out like it does for many..hell ya....but I have learned a lot along the way...and now have the pleasure of hopefully helping even a few others by sharing my story. those trying for the first time, second time....or whatever..CHIN UP!  Your journey will present itself eventually.  It may not be as you had envisioned it but it will be as it's supposed to be. 

Lots of positive fertile vibes to all of you looking for it.

Poutine is a vegetable....right?

Well....lets hope that my body knows how to pull out nutrients out of junk food as that's what I have been feeding it! :)  I have been eating okay but not like I normally do.  It's amazing and intriguing how our bodies which normally love salads, healthy foods is suddenly turned off my the thought of it  But a cinnamon bun, a bagel or even better yet poutine....hell ya!  I have literally had poutine twice this past week.    Don't worry I am trying to be good and eat some vegetables, fruits, etc.....but it's really hard.  This morning...the smell of mushrooms in Callen's omelette made my stomach turn.     My theory right now least I am eating....and keeping it down....

Image result for junk food cravings in pregnancy

Problem's not helping my figure:)  I think I am already popping through with a belly.  I am totally fine with the image thing....just wasn't ready for my jeans not to fit already!   OH well...all part of the experience..... 

12 week ultrasound this fingers crossed all is well