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Sunday, October 19, 2014

So much stuff for such a little one!!

We have been very fortunate so far to have received so much stuff from friends for myself and our little one to be.  I have 2 bags of maternity clothes from one friend which will help out immensely!!  I have dipped into it once for a t shirt...but have a feeling will be using them more and more.  I have a tote that I am slowly putting summer clothes and  clothes that don't fit in.  I need room for my new wardrobe!!!  

Another great friend sent us home with a truck load of stuff. Thanks so much!!  Part of us feels guilty for taking so much stuff but on the other hand we are: 1) helping the environment by reusing doesn't need brand new everything and 2) helping out people clear out their basements!! Guess the perk of having children later is most of our friends are past the baby stage and ready to clean out!  We have had lots of clothes offers to..."if you have a girl....." more totes to come!!  We do appreciate it immensely as we know that babies are not cheap!!

We went the other day to look at car seats, cribs etc. wow!!  The stores are so overwhelming, especially place like Babies R us where there is so much other stuff.   We want to make sure baby has what it needs but we aren't into the excessive buying that can happen.  We also weren't sure...what to buy, what brand is good, what do you buy new, used etc.  A book that has been super helpful has been Baby Bargains. It is from the U.S. but talks about canadian stuff too. Really great at helping weed out the needs, wants and good/ bad brands and stores.

So..the fun begins and we are researching and watching flyers.  Any tips, advice on what you couldn't live without or what you bought and wish you hadn't is always welcome..

17 weeks and counting...

Thought it was time I did a post update.  Not really sure what I have been doing with my time but I have felt busy. Really I am not that busy just not interested in doing much more than  vegging  or napping..   Many told me this second trimester is the honeymoon phase....not sure I agree.   Don't get me wrong, it is not awful and I am not complaining...much:). I continue to not be vomiting...which to me is everything else is peanuts.  Still nausea and aversions and some fatigue.  That being said I have been able to do more than the first three months, getting to the gym for a light work out a few times a week.  I have spoken with some and here I might still get that reprieve for a few weeks...still hope!!

Otherwise...things are going great.  I don't feel any movement yet....I don't think.  I can feel the top of my uterus...pretty neat!  It is just below my belly button now.    Saw the mid wife last week and blood work is good, heart beat normal.  We see her in a couple weeks again.

Am  I showing?  For me..yes..but not always noticeable with  my clothes.  I just have a bit of a belly at times.  This picture  is from week sixteen.  We are trying to do one every couple weeks or so.   I can still "suck it in" a bit but that is getting harder.   Plus...Dennis is worried when I do that...thinks I am  making the baby claustrophobic!!