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Saturday, November 15, 2014


Had our genetics consult yesterday.   First off... Everything is fine... No follow up needed.   He explained that two soft markers,  specifically Echogenic foci were seen in the heart.   They are  areas of increased calcification.   A better predictive test of chromosomal abnormalities would be an IPS... My blood work... Which was fine.   Basically,  technology is showing the more.... And therefore more follow-up is needed.   They are trying to change the criteria to higher number of markers before a genetics consult.   He was lovely,  did a subjective assessment,  measured my belly and listened to baby.   Told us the markers have no short or long term tern effects... Everything  is as it should be.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Movement and growing belly!!

So...I am over half way now....20 weeks and counting! Crazy how time does fly by.  I have a feeling the second half will go by faster with work getting busy, Christmas, the new year...and then only a few months!

I am now feeling movement.  A couple weeks ago I thought I have felt something one night...but it was fleeting and didn't happen again. It was different from any other I figured it must be the baby moving.  Many had said it would feel like gas bubbles or nervous stomach.  For's literally like someone flick me from the inside....huh...funny eh:)  If I had to describe it, I would say it's like a muscle that pulses and twitches out of the blue.  Since that first time it was occurred more often, more in the evening or when I am still.  I didn't realize initially that babies protect themselves and stay still while we are moving (or they are lulled to sleep) and then move when we are they don't get hurt.  Interesting...  So..yes..our little bambino is letting me know more he/she is there.  Dennis hasn't had a chance to feel it yet as the movement isn't always consistent.   It is such a cool and weird feeling all at once.    I will admit..I poke back a bit to see if I can get a response...nothing yet!!

As for my growing belly, it is. A week ago I posted a picture for those bugging me on facebook.  As expected jokes were thrown around about "where is it??" Well for me there was a little bump.  Since then I think I have grown mover over the past week.  Everyone at work was commenting last week.  I am by no means huge and with baggy clothes it is hard to tell...but there is definitely a belly there.  My jeans agree! THEY no longer fit. I was able to stay a bit in denial with scrubs and stretchy pants at work, but as my shirts appeared to be shrinking in length, my pants were in width. So I have cracked into the maternity stash given to me by a friend and have had my first shopping spree.  I had coupons that expired for Thyme....I must say came out with quite a bit at a great price! Dennis was a trooper and sat there giving me advice on what looked good or not.  The whole pretend belly thing you strap on is am I going to sit down and tie my shoes!!?:) ha!  Let alone work...time will tell.  Anyway...was fun.  There are some cute maternity clothes.  I will admit though...they aren't cheap full price...glad I don't dress up for work. Scrubs and yoga style pants for this girl!   Will post a new belly pic soon....where you can see my belly....

Friday, November 7, 2014

Nineteen week Ultrasound...

Had our anatomy ultrasound last week.  It is technically our final ultrasound unless some issues arise along the way.  Unfortunately we couldn't have it at SOFT, but we were able to schedule it at work...which was SO convenient for both of us.   The technician was lovely and did let Dennis in at the end, explained some of the things she was measuring and gave us 4-5 pictures.  Apparently our baby is an acrobat and was doing somersaults a couple times.

But.....SO different from SOFT.  We were definitely very spoiled.  At SOFT we would have a 40 inch ish TV in front of us, Dennis would be in the room for the whole thing and the quality of the pictures was much different. the end we still got to see our little one once again on the screen.  The detail is quite amazing, bones, cerebellum, ventricles in the brain...amazing!!

A couple days later I did get a bit of a scare.  The midwife called and told me that two soft markers were found in the babies heart.  Specifically, the are called "echogenic markers"; bright spots seen on ultrasound.  These markers can indicates chromosomal abnormalities but can also be quite common.  She said that all measurements were as expected and that my IPS (integrated prenatal screen) blood work was great!  So, likely no concern.  However, it was standard protocol to offer us a genetic consult.  (We have an appointment booked for next week).  I will first I was taken a back and had a mini melt down in our office at work.  (Serves me right for calling back at the end of lunch).  Thankful for some colleagues who calmed me down and reassured it was probably fine).  After doing some reading and talking to friends who had similar findings and genetics had no concerns...I felt better.

Here is a paragraph from a web site I found helpful.

Echogenic foci in the ventricles of the heart (golf balls)

'Golf balls' appear as small white balls attached to a muscle in the heart, most commonly in the left ventricle. Though occasionally associated with heart defects or chromosomal abnormalities, they are very common (about 4 per cent of babies have them) and most are probably a variation of normal; they are seen more frequently in babies of thin mothers, whose ultrasounds are clearer.

120 Day mark...

Early in my pregnancy I was talking with a friend of mine about not feeling connected, the nerves of being okay to feel happy and excited.  Those doubts early on really persist in the back of your mind.  Once I hit the 12 week mark I figured I was fairly safe.  She told me with her pregnancy she didn't feel settled till her 120th day pregnant...which marked the time with the soul enters the baby.  She told me to try and pay attention around that time and see if I felt any different.    Unfortunately I was sick around that time so it was hard to tell if I felt different or not.  I have overall been fairly calm....OVERALL...not all the time!:)

Either way..the concept really did intrigue me.  I am not sure how this day was chosen or determined but was a neat concept of thought. I looked up a few things and found it is a Yogi tradition and something that is quite celebrated as a milestone in some cultures.

Here is a link that I found explained it.....