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Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Nearly 39 weeks!!

EEK!   Can't believe we are so close to meeting our new addition to the family.    "Frozen" as Dennis so lovingly calls him/her :) could arrive any day...or not. Who knows.

It's been quite a journey over the past month or so.  I have had a couple appointments with our OB Dr Rob and was actually discharged from his care at the latest appointment.  What does that mean?? My placenta kept moving and was over 3 cm away!! Woot woot! Such a big change from...."um....the way out is covered".  So.....I get to try a "normal" vaginal delivery and see how it goes.  I am still at a bit higher risk of bleeding but that will be monitored. If there is any concern for baby or a C section we go.  I trust my midwives and know they will refer back as soon as is indicated.

So, I have my hospital bag ready...sort of...and now I wait. I am pretty pumped about trying vaginally.  Dennis thinks I am crazy but maybe it's a girl thing, maybe it's getting to try something else more natural in this whole process.  Part of it is my nature....I like a challenge, sort of like doing a triathlon or a run for me....some mind over matter?  Some of you may be laughing at me...but I guess I will see.  I have lots of tools in my tool box, amazing midwives and throwing in a few of my essential oils to try too.    
Overall, I feel pretty good.  Going off when I did, regardless of my placenta was a good decision. I have had times of going a bit stir crazy and definitely didn't get as much done as I had hoped (hard when I get tired walking to the mail box):)  BUT, I do feel more rested at this point in the game then I did with Callen.

Baby continues to move lots despite what I think is limited space in there. I get lots of jabs into my ribs...but movement is good and I will miss those feelings soon.  I may complain occasionally about my fatigue, lack of abs and slow movement....but I hope it doesn't seem like I don't appreciate how far we have come.  I just read an article about replacing the word "I have to" with "I get to".  I get to get up and pee every hour of the night because baby is growing and thriving...and taking up space:)  I get to have an achy back occasionally because I am fortunate to be able to carry a baby and experience this wonder.  It goes change your mind set....try it.

I am going to end with a shout out to a few friends who are at different stages of their journey.  One is awaiting IVF and dealing with work time off. Remember...legally if you have Dr's consent they can not say NO and you don't have to give details. I am fortunate to have a truly understanding boss and I was up front...but I didn't have to be...and it shouldn't have changed anything.  Stand up for your rights!
Second friend is going through egg retrieval and transfer over the next week or so.  It's an exciting and scary time....but you can do this!!!  Lots of positive vibes coming everyone's way.

Hugs to all.  Thanks again to everyone for their support near and far.  It's crazy how far we have come and I truly thankful for everything.