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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

One week and counting

Not sure how this came up so quickly on us.  Likely because the past month has been super busy with things at work, a physio college assessment and yes...just life.  It's been a very different yet very similar experience thus far. I think because we have been so busy with other things I haven't really overthought things.  The plus this time around is we have Callen. If things don't work out...we will be disappointed and will have to figure out what next....but if nothing else...we have our wonderful little man. I said in my last post it is getting real now.  I had my last early morning visit to SOFT for my ultrasound and blood work. Everything looks as it body is getting ready.  I start more meds and my daily injections tomorrow....if all goes well, this will be a 10-11 week process! butt gets to be a pin cushion again.  A little more padding there then the first maybe it will be easier!:) lol.

Hoping everyone can send us the same vibes that they sent last time...  I will write a few times...or more if I hear there is interest in following us again.

That is all for now...please let me know if you have questions or thoughts....take care..

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


First day of shots today .   Syringe is all ready,  icing my butt before Dennis gets to do the deed.   First time I have really had butterflies in this whole process this time.   Looking at the needle.... I forgot how long it was... Ugh!  I will survive and yes it is all worth it..... But not looking forward to this part again.   For those who are maybe starting the process... Don't be discouraged by my whining.... Just my feelings and emotions.   In the grand scheme of things..... It's not a big deal at all.. Okay... Here goes nothing!!

Saturday, September 10, 2016

3 week count down

For those still following our journey we have our date booked to return to California.    We will be leaving the first weekend in October and have the transfer that week.  It's crazy here right now with work, I have some PT college stuff going on and life in general.  I have a feeling everything is going to sneak up on us fast. 
Prepping my body has started and injections start twice a week this coming week. I had an option to not do injections and look into another method but this worked the first I want to keep it the same.

So...yes...Dennis gets to do his "kablamo" injections again!:)  They are necessary but a pain in the butt...both figuratively and literally! Oh well. I think once we get going we will fall back into the pattern from last time.

Emotionally I am pretty good right now. I think as it gets closer and things start slowing down it will hit me more.  I am trying not to overthink it.....the calmer the better for success!!

Anyway...Thanks again to all of you who have been so supportive to us in our first journey and with the upcoming one.   We are fortunate that we have if things don't work out...we have a wonderful little man to fill our hearts. But would be nice for him to have a fingers crossed!  Will keep people posted along the way.....

For those of you trying... my heart is with you.  It's a crazy tough journey and everyone approaches it differently.  Hugs and good luck!