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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Deciphering fact and fiction

Some of you may have read in the news recently about complaints about Dr Franks & Dr Martin.  I was aware of Dr Franks suspension before she joined SOFT, reviewed the concerns on the College of Physicians and surgeons and felt confident in proceeding.  She didn't have any involvement with anything invasive so I was comfortable with that.  Most of my interactions on a whole are with the nurses...and Dr Martin mainly for the physician.

The following is the article published earlier this week about Dr Martin.

When i first read it I was quite upset.  Would this effect our California process?  We have just finished our legal piece and we are now waiting for the clinic in California to let us know the next steps.  I was worried that all our work, all of preparing would be for nothing.  I had started to get excited....but now...would things continue??  I contacted one of the SOFT nurses and was reassured it was business as usual.

SOFT has made a formal reply.  See their facebook page for more information and comments from many of their patients.

Here is a link to  their statement:

After reading this and speaking with the nurses at SOFT I feel much better.  I  do not know for sure the truth, but I know that I trust SOFT and they have not steered me wrong.  They have always been clear about risks and benefits of all suggested procedures.  I have always been a part of decisions and felt that my best interests and safety were always considered.  It is unfortunate that Dr Martin will not be practicing as he has helped so many families become families....the commetsvon facebook and the foot prints and hand prints on the boards at SOFT are testaments to this.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day to all!!

Just wanted to send a wish out to all the mother's reading my blog...and to those hopeful mothers if you are out there.   I was doing some reflection on being a mom.    I may not be a mom yet but I feel like I am in a way.    I listen to many friends, family and colleagues talking about how you would do anything for your children, give up anything, how your life has changed so much since have kids, how they make you happy and sad and yes cry too.  In a way I feel I have already done this for my child to be..  I have given up many things and tried many things, put my body and mind through many things on our quest for a baby.    So I caution those who say to parents without children , "you will understand when you have kids" when you talk about frustration and sleepless nights, when you talk about giving up things during your pregnancy, etc.  We do understand...just in a different way.

 For many "mom's in the making"  mother's day is a reminder of what we don't have...and sometimes it can be frustrating. can be inspirational too. If you start to listen to hear and read about all the hope and success stories out there.  There are many different routes and versions....but there is a light at the end...

Moving forward......

We have been waiting for information about our Egg donor cycle, not knowing when for sure we would be proceeding, stalling with booking vacation and coverage at work.  Basically our summer has and still is unplanned.  BUT....we are moving forward.

Just recently we got an email that the California clinic is ready to proceed.. YIKES!!   This is exciting...but now it starts to get real.  My initial reaction was in my gutt...the realization that we are heading in the right direction.....that  We are going to have a baby!!  Then I got nervous...what if it doesn't work, what if we put all this effort, emotion, time and money.... and it doesn't work...will I cope emotionally????   Then I started to feel guilty about leaving a new job so soon for at least a month.  I know what all of you will is our time, work is work, they will be fine. I know that.....but my new colleagues don't know our situation and many are already off.  So...they will be VERY busy.  This doesn't mean we won't do it.  It means I will probably tell our story to more people. ....not because I feel I have to...but so they understand.  So...yes crazy brain again...swirling in many directions and not always rational.

At this point we have a 32 page document to read through and sign, consents, etc.  We have decide things like what we do with extra embryo's if one of us dies, if both of us die, do we consent to all the medical procedures, etc, etc.   We have also been given a general idea of the financial information and what we will owe...ouch!!   The Cali clinic has assigned us an attorney in California. We have more papers (retainer) to read and get faxed off.  It is all kind of scary and overwhelming. (Makes me realize what our patients must sometime feel like.)  I really dislike lawyer talk and some of the comments make me worry about the "iron cladness" that the clinic told us things are.  I guess unfortunately there are loop holes in everything. All we can do is make sure it is the best it can be.  I believe it will be a legal contract between us and the anonymous donor about rights, etc.  Important stuff

So...lots of reading for us, lots to sign and get faxed off!  I believe once all the LEGAL stuff is done...we will have more firm dates!!  YAY!!