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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Long over due up date

Been meaning to write an update since our 18 week ultrasound....but somehow time got away from me and here we are at nearly 29 weeks! EEK

 It's been a bit of a roller coaster with highs and low.   Ultrasounds show baby is great!  I have felt lots of kicking and movement which is really cool.    I am definitely growing and feel bigger than I was with Callen at this point.  Most people are nice and tell me I look great....but not sure if they are just being nice:)  I feel a bit slower ....but that's's all worth it!  All our ultrasounds have shown that baby is doing well

The down has been that our first ultrasound showed that I might have placenta previa.  Basically this means that my placenta is low lying and either partially or completely covering the os....(cervix opening).  Our 18 week ultrasound wasn't clear if it was partial or complete.  Our ultrasound this week showed it is complete at this time.  The tech told us the membrane of the placenta is covering the opening.  SO basically..>NO WAY OUT for the baby.  Our midwife has referred me to see an OB to get their advice.

So...what does this mean??? Not 100% sure...but this is what I know.

Partial previa:  the os isn't completely covered or it's a certain distance away.  From what the midwife has told me is if it is so far away from the opening trying a vaginal delivery is safe.  She also said that as the pregnancy progresses it 'could' move further away.

Complete previa:  Os (cervis opening) completely covered. Not sure if it can grow out of the way or not. If means a C-section.  The risk from what I understand is that if the placenta is delivered first the baby is without oxygen.

Other risks as the pregnancy progresses include bleeding/spotting (so far nothing) which could be related to the placenta pulling away from the wall due to being close to the opening.  The part I am unsure about is activity.   So far I have been told I can keep working but to be careful with heavy lifting. I have read that many people are on bed rest as a result of this but not sure when. Hoping an appointment with our OB will clarify this. am I doing? I have had a few melt downs.  I am sad and disappointed to potentially have a C-section again. I of course realize I need to and this is what's safe for me and baby.  But....I was really hoping to try vaginally/naturally.  Dennis is confused and doesn't understand but it's hard to explain.  I want to experience that, as crazy as it may sound.  I know people say it hurts, go with less hurt but it's something your body naturally knows how to do...I just was hoping to be able to try.  Also, a c section hurts...but in a different way and imposes restrictions for a longer time.   I am worried how Callen will do not being able to be carried by me or cuddled as easily.     I knew a csection was always a possibility with anyone....but didn't think it would be decided ahead of time again.
On...a positive note...this baby has no directional challenges....head is down!! Go figure!:)

Anyway, I hope I am not frustrating those out there who aren't pregnant or are trying.  I am not complaining...well maybe a bit....:) In the end I will have a baby, and a healthy baby and mom is the end game.  I can't promise to not have more emotional/hormonal moments but I will come around to what has to happen.

Next steps for us....see our OB, continue growing...and peeing....oh my god number of times I pee!:)
Thanks again to everyone to following us on our journey.  Fertile thoughts and vibes going out to you all!

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