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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

9 weeks!

Been awhile since I have wrote a post so thought I would do a bit of an update.  Today is the 9 week getting though slowly but surely.  Many have asked how I feeling.  To be honest I am feeling pretty good.  I can't complain...and shouldn't. We have been waiting for a long to for me to feel like this!:)  Seriously though, I think I am doing well.  My first day back to work was exhausting but I was still fighting my cold.  This week has been good so far.

As for first trimester symptoms...yes I have had a bit.  I was having a lot of aversions to things like pork chops, chicken (even swiss chalet..made me want to hurl!!)  but lately ate an A&W burger and pizza with meat.  Veggies I can eat...but not as interested in them.  But french fries, icecream...oh yeah...yum!! likes junk food....definitely Dennis' child.    My stomach has been nauseous at times, mainly in the afternoon if I am hungry...and then if I overeat.  Still figuring out what is best to do..but grazing seems to do the trick.  No I can take a churny stomach here and there!  Again...much better since kicking the cold.  Otherwise, sleeping more, napping on the weekends...but feeling good.

Baby in womb chooses from multiple choice pregnancy symptoms...

I am struggling a bit with how much activity to do still.  The instructions were vague. Basically this week is work, a few walks, maybe some stretches or Yoga if I feel good.  I go back on Monday for a follow up ultrasound.  So again...fingers crossed!!  I am just going by how I feel.  If I am tired, or achy or anything I rest if I can.  I haven't had any that is a good sign!!

As for how I am feeling...positive but still cautious.  It was around now that we lost last time...without knowing. So I am still protecting my heart a bit.  I said to a colleague..."If we get to 12 weeks I will feel better"...she corrected me "When you get to 12 weeks...."  YES..she is right....old habits are hard to break. I have had to be cautious for so long...its the natural way I speak/ think.  I am not negative and I feel we are on the right track...but can't fully commit/bond/connect yet.  This may sound awful...but I just can't.
Close friends asked us about colours for the baby room.  Yes I have always had ideas...but it seems too early, like we might be jinxing it to be talking about or deciding this yet.  A friend of mine won't have a baby shower till after the baby is born.  In their culture it is bad luck...funny how we think/ believe in things.

Thank you again to all of you who are supporting us from near and far and to those reading this I don't know.  I hope your find our journey interesting or helpful if you are struggling with similar things.  Stay tuned...will keep you posted...

OH...I keep hearing people can't comment that want to. Anyone good with blogger that knows how to make this happen?? I have on my setting that anyone can comment. Might change it to something else just to see...

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