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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Diet and rocks and acupuncture...

I have been slowly working on this post for between updates and travelling, etc.  Just sort of an FYI/food for thought info...

There is always more to health and medicine than our traditional western, "medical" approach.  I haven't tried everything but over the years have tried a variety.  I am not going to say one does or doesn't work. I think there is merit in everything. Especially for those who aren't conceiving and are told there is "no reason"...give it a shot. For those with a reason...of course...why not!!   After awhile and trying many can get overwhelming.

So...what have I tried.....

1.  Diet.  When my ex and I were trying I went to see a Naturopath. One of the things she recommended to me was a diet modification.  I was to have no wheat, no citrus and no peanuts.   I can't remember the exact theories now.  It had to do with how each of these items affected the bodies inflammatory process/heightened it...which in turn could affect the ability of my body to become pregnant.  It was explained that if my immune system was heightened it might try and "attack" a potential embryo...or change. It made sense and I thought...what the heck...wasn't going to hurt me.    Let me tell you it was a hard thing to do, especially since it being around Christmas.    With this go around I tried it for a month or so...but then decided the hell with it. I was giving up enough......I was undecided if it was making a I have just been trying to moderate what I eat...and eat healthy overall.    Many ask if I avoid first yes, I did. I was worried that I could be causing harm...but in reality this isn't true.  For along time between IUI and beta test I wouldn't drink...worried it could affect the results.  Then a  SOFT nurses actually told me I could have a drink during that time period.  No blood mixes during that stage.    Now...again..moderation is of course the key.  So,  I stopped feeling guilty about living and enjoying my food and my occasional beverage!  That being said...with this current donor cycle...and all we have invested in it...I was good right away.  Irony was as soon as the transfer was done we passed SO many wineries!  Sigh.....:)

2.  Rocks......what???  So...a great colleague and friend of mine has let me borrow (indefinitely at this point) her fertility rock.    It was given to her by her sister who got it on her honeymoon.  There is this stone in Ireland which is known as a fertility rock.  While visiting she found a small piece beside the stone..."charged" it against the big rock...and brought it home for good luck.  She passed it onto me once she got pregnant.  I will admit I rubbed that rock quite a bit at first....but then just let it sit by my bedside.      Do I believe the rock has power?? Who knows really....but the concept of believing in something bigger than us and not giving up hope...why not.  It kept my spirits up and gave me something else to project my doubts and sadness to for a period of time.    Thank you my dear friends for your support both physical, emotional and spiritual.

In addition to the above rock another colleague of mine gave me some gems/stones.  I was supposed to keep them with me, close to my heart or under my pillow.  Each stone has a meaning, name and purpose.  Here is a web site I just found when googling about it...kind of interesting.
Again thank you to for thinking of me and giving me positive vibes along this journey.  They may not have helped immediately but the cumulative effect of love and support is peaking now...I just know it!

3. Osteopath
I didn't know a lot about osteopathy but I had quite a few people suggest trying it, that there was a lot of success with fertility.

Over a period of 2 years or so I went to two different practitioners(one then switched).  I liked them both despite different approaches.  I had switched because the first osteopathy had a long wait between appointments.  I felt like I was regressing each time with such a gap.  With no surprise to me they both commented about my posture.  I have quite a curve to my back which has prompted many comments over the years.  Lets just say a few Physios would love to have me as their "project"....or maybe not...I might be too much work.    They both felt that my posture along with many other things could be contributing to the fertility issues.  The second practitioner did more "mobilizations" so to speak and I did feel better and looser.  I kept seeing her up until the last full IVF attempt(which switched to an IUI).  Why didn't I go back after?? Not really sure.  Partly was the fact I had burned through all of my health benefits and wasn't sure...was it making a difference?  Also...I think at that point...I needed a break.  It was around the time where I think I was really burning out, feeling the stress of trying everything and seeing no results.    Will I go back? Likely.  I know of a couple people who swore by the osteopath for helping with an easier delivery...think stretching ahead of time.  So..again...why not.

4.  Acupuncture
As I said earlier I had gone to a Naturopath previously.  One of the other things she had done with me was acupuncture to try and relax me, stimulate my ovaries, etc.  No success at that point but that was for the better.  This time through I tried many things but never really did start considering acupuncture till later.  I think I got to a point that I was tired of trying different things and we were on a different path the, the egg donor path.  I did however find out they can help with implantation etc.  So, I ended up contacting Lisa Kervin, an acupuncturist in town.  I was able to get in for an assessment before we left for California and have been two times since.  The idea is the points help relax me, increase the blood flow to my lining, etc, help make the embryo(s) stick.  As an aside, she does help with egg quality for anyone who is interested. it helping?  Won't really know...but I believe in acupuncture and think it doesn't hurt.  This woman is amazing and fast! Within the matter of 2 minutes I think I had about 20 needles in.   She usually suggests seeing her for up to 5 weeks ish and then further along if needed to help with nausea.  Sweet!  If I do get it...this is much better than going on medication.

I am sure there are other things we have done...but those are a few that come to me the most....

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