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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Egg donor....hmmm

During one of my melt downs after the failed IVF cycle one of the nurses brought up the possibility of doing an egg donor. We had not really thought of this yet. We had assumed that if naturally with IUI or IVF treatments didn't work then adoption was next.  My mind set was that.  But egg donor...really?? How does that work?

Basically it is like sperm donors which seems to be a more common, or talked about thing.  We would use Dennis' sperm and donor we picks egg.  Another pro is that I would get to carry.  My question...can I carry?? I have only been pregnant once.  The consensus is there is no reason I can't. ovaries are on an accelerated aging path but our uterus' don't really age too much.  That's why many women much older than me..think our grandparents...can have children if dosed with the right meds.

The Canada you can't legally pay a donor/compensate them for helping you. There are clinics who try to "name" it something else what have been caught and shut down..with many women mid cycle to donate or waiting for a transfer. would have to find someone who would do it(go through the IVF process up until retrieval) for free!  We did have some family and friends offer to donate eggs.  Thank you!! It means the world to us...but we feel it would be too weird. It would feel like we are raising your child.  Not sure that is right...but we needed to be comfortable with our options.  One friend also offered to be a surrogate which is very generous. Our problem isn't me is getting me to produce eggs and then fertilize. Getting to that IVF stage isn't' happening.

Our option then would be to go out of Canada.  There are many clinics throughout the world that do this.  SOFT did lot so research and now deals with a clinic in California called Fertility associates.  We ended up doing a consult with their Dr there.  We were encouraged to get his opinion on our situation and as well information on the egg donor program.  More to come about that soon.  Of course with it being outside of Canada it is not OHIP covered and is of course very expensive...over $20 000 plus meds and expenses to go out there.  So...big decisions to come.

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